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1650 Broadway, Suite 1410

NYC 10019

(212) 757-0098





The youngest! Here she is. Claire was, in fact, born 23 minutes after Alanna. She decidedly needed to cook a little longer. It all started from before she can remember. The music. The art. The creativity. All of the Saunders siblings were brought up to love and appreciate it. And love and appreciate Claire did. Despite her best efforts to differentiate herself from her 4 siblings, her passions came in the same vein as theirs. The first show as what they now affectionately call The Saunders Collective happened when the girls were 5. From there, they were all hooked. And not all because the other siblings did it. All of them individually found a love of performing.

Then the time came to flee the nest. Claire was very clear about wanting to go to school by herself. To learn in an environment that was all her own. Not as a twin. Not as a Saunders. Luckily, she was accepted into her dream school. And Carnegie Mellon did not disappoint. Over those 4 years, Claire honed her craft, learned a couple good life lessons and began her obsession with rearranging her room. Bonus? Her senior year, she got to do one of her most loved roles: Queenie in THE WILD PARTY. Conveniently, she also looks good blonde. Heyo.

Moving to the city alongside her siblings was a gift Claire didn’t know she needed. Having a support system that was not only present, but knew the struggles and the ins and outs of the industry was and continues to be priceless. Luckily, they’ve actually gotten to perform together a few times as well. In cabarets mostly but also, Alanna and Claire got the chance to be twins when they were cast in PIRATES OF PENZANCE at Barrington Stage. It is a dream for the 4 New York Saunders to get the chance to perform onstage together in production (by all means someone make it happen!).

Claire continues to love pursing her career in New York City and has found a passion for teaching and spreading the joys of fitness in her downtime. It helps keep her body and soul happy with the waves of the business. Claire is often asked about what it feels like to do this alongside her siblings. Is it hard? Does she compare herself all the time? Put simply: no. Their successes are not her failures. So cheers to being born into a family that not only stays with you spiritually, but who you also truly can’t get away from because they’re everywhere you go in your own industry!